Adaptive Learning Environments provides real world solutions to many of today’s most serious social problems. People are dealing everyday with frustrations and the loss of hope that always emerges when human systems become fragmented and lose their interconnectivity. This happens in the inner environment of our brains, bodies, and minds when we lose the “why” of learning. Some people who struggle with the “why” of learning have been given diagnoses like autism, attention deficit disorder, dementia, mental or behavioral disorders. Some have not been given diagnoses but, are living lives of quiet or angry desperation because they feel the loss of interconnectivity with their outer environment. Have you ever wondered why our world has terrorists and gang members? Have you ever grieved over a young person struggling so severely with depression that they take their life? Have you ever been shocked and confused by the story of a teenager taking a gun to their high school and shooting fellow classmates? This Christian Church and School Program Manual explains why this happens and how we can begin to solve these serious problems by paying attention to the interconnectivity of our inner and outer environments. This begins by paying attention to the “why” of new learning in all of us. This begins by learning how to adapt to what we can’t change and becoming empowered enough to change what we can.Adaptive Learning Environments were designed first for Christian Churches and Schools because we have strayed far from the truth compass provided by Jesus’ example. This Program Manual was designed to embed Adaptive Learning Environments in our Christian Churches and Schools because we have forgotten that Jesus was an early victim of the bigotry and hatred we still see today. Adaptive Learning Environments were designed first for Christian Churches and Schools because Jesus has called us to be 21st Century change agents in a fragmented and overly competitive world… one that has evolved too little from the one in which He lived. Jesus has called us to use our “why” of adaptive learning networks to empower others by spiritually empowering ourselves.

A 21st Century Community Health Solution

Adaptive Learning Environments 


Publication: Exceptional Parent Magazine

Changing Relationships, Changing the World



Publication: Exceptional Parent Magazine

Mindful Awareness and the Healing Arts



Publication: Exceptional Parent Magazine

Resources for Multi-Sensory Environments