Meet Dr. Janice Ryan, OTD, OTR/L


Dr. Ryan has been an occupational therapist for over 30 years, and has been researching the body, mind, and spirit aspects of human systems dynamics since beginning her doctoral education in 2004. She also began practicing compassion mindfulness that year.

Janice specializes in mental and cognitive health over the lifespan and applies a mindful therapeutic approach to treatment that has also been called compassion-focused therapy. She earned her Master of Occupational Therapy from Texas Women’s University in 1985 and Doctor of Occupational Therapy from Creighton University in 2007.

As a Certified Human Systems Dynamics Professional, the “Adaptive Action” model is Janice’s mindfully present intervention plan. It is by seeing, understanding, and positively influencing current patterns that adaptation and system self-organization can be facilitated in a client or learner by the practitioner or teacher.

Janice has successfully applied her teaching philosophy to clients, caregivers, special needs adults, paraprofessionals, and graduate students. She is now providing these unique therapeutic skills in the Chattanooga Area. If you are interested in changing your life, or learning how to change others lives with multi-sensory rooms and HSD therapy, Dr. Ryan can get you there.

Our Treatment Approach

We combine a compassion-focused practice with the use of a multi-sensory center to make a significant difference in the lives of people with a variety of life challenges including but not limited to: anxiety disorder, poor self-esteem, stress managent, and more.

Paul Gilbert first described Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) in London in 2010 and it has since emerged as a popular approach throughout the world due to the increasing popularity of compassion mindfulness and a relatively new scientific understanding of the natural inclination of humans for a pro-social brain.

The multi-sensory environment provides a tool for our trained, compassion-focused therapists to observe, understand, and influence stress-based functional emotional system patterns that are observed in people with autism, sensory processing challenges, post-traumatic stress, dementia, and many mental illnesses.

Navigating Sensory Sensitivities With Dr. Ryan

Credentials and Certifications